Nutrition FAQs

  • Bariatric patients need to stay well-hydrated after surgery, and drinking water is the best way to achieve this! However, you will be able to consume other low-calorie, non-carbonated, and caffeine-free drinks such as herbal teas, milk, protein-fortified water, and protein shakes to help meet your fluid needs. It is essential to avoid all carbonated, high-calorie, and sugar-sweetened beverages, as they can lead to discomfort, weight regain, and other complications such as dumping syndrome. Patients should also avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages as they can contribute to dehydration. Liquids should be consumed slowly, without a straw, and ideally at least 30 minutes after a meal to minimize GI symptoms.

  • Bariatric surgery patients will need to take multivitamin (MVI) and mineral supplements for life to prevent complications from nutrient deficiencies, which can occur due to reduced food intake, malabsorption, and changes in the digestive system after surgery. Specific supplements and dosages may vary based on your individual needs and the type of surgery you underwent. For example, patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery will need to take more supplements than those who had a sleeve gastrectomy. Your healthcare provider or registered dietitian will regularly monitor your nutrient levels via blood tests to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral supplementation, including B vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K), iron, and calcium citrate. Luckily, all the high-quality supplements you need to meet your specific micronutrient needs will be available for purchase at the Bruce Bariatric store, conveniently available on-line and in-person.

  • You will need to drink protein shakes for at least a few weeks after surgery, or until you can eat enough protein through solid foods to meet your increased protein requirements. The exact duration and necessity of using protein shakes or supplements will vary based on your individual health status, dietary habits, and the type of surgery you underwent. In some cases, patients may be able to obtain sufficient protein from whole foods alone and no longer require protein supplements after a few weeks or months post-surgery. However, patients may still benefit from consuming protein supplements or shakes intermittently to maintain their protein intake and prevent muscle loss. Ultimately, the need for protein supplementation after bariatric surgery should be determined on a case-by-case basis under the guidance of your healthcare provider or registered dietitian. You will have a full selection of high-quality protein shakes and powder supplements available for purchase at the Bruce Bariatric store, both on-line and in-person.

  • Technically, yes, but it would be exceedingly difficult to do so! In general, bariatric surgery patients require more protein than the average person to support the healing process and prevent muscle loss. A good rule of thumb is to consume 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or at least 90-100g of protein per day. To meet this requirement, you will need to prioritize protein intake at every meal and snack. Your healthcare provider or registered dietitian will help you meet your protein goals through an individualized meal plan including a variety of whole foods and high-quality supplements.

  • While bariatric surgery patients don’t need to avoid all fruits after surgery, you will need to be very mindful of the type and quantity of fruits you consume. Fruits are good sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, and can be part of a healthy post-surgery diet. However, some fruits are high in sugar and can cause weight regain, diarrhea, or dumping syndrome if consumed in large amounts. Patients should opt for low-sugar, high-fiber fruits such as berries, apples, and citrus, and consume them in small portions only. You will need to avoid all fruit juices and dried fruits, which are high in sugar and low in fiber. Ultimately, patients should follow their healthcare provider's recommendations and work with a registered dietitian to develop a personalized and balanced post-surgery diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including small portions of fruits.

  • Some degree of constipation is normal and expected—especially immediately post-surgery due to the lingering effects of anesthesia. Constipation is relatively common after bariatric surgery because of rapid changes in eating habits, medication use, and reduced physical activity. The good news is that most cases of constipation can be prevented or managed by staying hydrated, increasing fiber intake, and engaging in physical activity when cleared by your physician post-surgery. Patients should aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water per day, consume fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and legumes, and engage in light exercises such as walking or yoga to stimulate bowel movements and improve digestion. If your constipation becomes persistent or very uncomfortable, however, there is no need to suffer in silence! Your healthcare provider or registered dietitian will help you make changes to your diet and recommend laxatives and/or stool softeners to help manage your symptoms.

  • Significant hair loss is a possibility after bariatric surgery, with about half of patients experiencing some degree of hair thinning or shedding in the first six months following their procedure. This is due to rapid weight loss, which can cause a shock to the hair follicles and disrupt the hair growth cycle. Hair loss, however, is usually temporary and can be reversed by ensuring adequate protein intake, taking vitamin and mineral supplements, and practicing good hair care habits such as avoiding harsh chemicals and heat styling. Our patients have seen great results with our Hair Skin and Nail Rejuvenator supplement, available at the Bruce Bariatric store! While hair loss after bariatric surgery can be distressing, it is a normal and temporary side effect that can be minimized with proper nutrition and hair care.

  • Yes, your physical and mental health are of the utmost importance to us before and after surgery! As part of your routine care at Bruce Bariatrics, your healthcare provider will screen you for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse in a supportive, non-judgmental manner. While bariatric surgery offers profound and rapid improvements in physical health, it can also have unforeseen psychological effects, such as changes in body image, relationships, and self-esteem. It is totally normal and understandable to feel overwhelmed after making big life changes! Thankfully, counseling can help. We have a kind, compassionate therapist that we refer to in the Triangle.

    Dr. Allen A. Bloom
