Patient Testimonials

Tana F.

The best decision I have ever made for myself was to have weight loss surgery. From start to finish Dr. Bruce explained every step in detail of what to expect and reminded me to trust the process.  Every time I saw Dr. Bruce from pre-op appointments, surgery day, and post-op appointments I felt confident and knew I was in great hands with Dr. Bruce and his staff. Years later I am still proud of the decision to put my health first and am beyond grateful to Dr. Bruce for holding my hand the whole way through.  I would recommend anyone who is considering weight loss to go see him.  He is by far the most professional and caring doctor I have had the pleasure of working with. I am so thankful for his guidance and for helping me become the best version of myself. 

Jamarian M.

When people ask me how I felt so at ease making my decision to undergo weight loss surgery, I tell them it was all because of Dr. Bruce. From the moment I met him, he put my mind at ease and made me feel so comfortable. I did not doubt that I would be in good hands. His kind, jovial, witty spirit, along with his incredible knowledge and track record, gave me the utmost confidence in my decision. I have recommended him to every friend and family member interested in the journey. I couldn't be happier with my results. I am healthier, happier, and more confident about my future!

Allison J.

Dr. Bruce truly cares! The first time I met him I could tell he understood and I finally had hope in this journey I’ve struggled with most of my life. His desire is to see his patients live long and healthy lives.

Alice W.

From the first moment I met Dr. Bruce, he made me feel so comfortable. Dr. Bruce is kind, nice, and considerate. He was understanding when I came in weighing 225 and wanting to lose weight. Now thanks to Dr. Bruce I’m down to 135! He always said to me he was going to take care of me and that is how I felt. I am glad that I have met Dr. Bruce. I feel like Dr. Bruce is more than my doctor and is more like my friend. Thank you for everything that you have done for me.

Tonya K.

Seven years ago I went into Dr. Bruce’s office determined to get skinny! Not healthy, skinny  Of course, Dr. Bruce, being the caring doctor he is began to educate me on the benefits of Gastric Bypass would have for me and that while I was getting skinny was my goal, getting healthy was far more beneficial. I told him it would be a win-win for us both! He’d be getting a happier patient and I would be getting skinny.

We embarked on this journey of Gastric Bypass on September 19, 2016. That was the day that Dr. Bruce changed my life  I began my weight loss journey at 315 pounds.  Gastric Bypass coupled with exercise and a healthy diet resulted in 200-pound weight loss. Dr. Bruce has always been a supportive and caring surgeon who truly listens to his patient’s wants, needs, and concerns  It’s not every day you find a physician who will do all three! Dr. Bruce equipped me with the tools to be successful and I was so blessed to be given a brand new life!”

Lisa P.

People invest in fancy cars, jewelry, exotic trips, and clothes that they cannot really afford. Why not take that time, energy, and money and


Terrie G.

Because of my painful yesterday I survived and living healthy today. 

Dr. Bruce believed in me the moment he met me and I knew at that very moment I had another chance to live healthy and strong again. I had a stroke 11 months before surgery and I thought my life was over. I had to learn how to walk and talk again. After the stroke my blood pressure stayed high in stroke mode because it would not regulate. My doctor told me if I wanted to survive I had to lose weight to get rid of the high blood pressure or get it regulated daily . My cousin sent me to Dr.Bruce. He told me “ if you do EVERYTHING I tell you to do you will have a successful outcome however if your blood pressure is genetic you will still have it no matter how much weight you lose but it will be regulated ! I did exactly what he said and 3 years later here I am living a  happy and healthy life. I still have high blood pressure and has not been high one time since surgery 12-23-2019. On top of everything I was already beautiful so I have a happy ending. My name is Terrie with a sexy “Body by Bruce”❤️

SADI surgery in Cary, NC by Dr. Bruce

Joy A.

After years of struggling with my weight, not being able to keep it off, border line diabetic, high blood pressure, and high everything, I made the decision to reach out for help. I found dr Bruce through a friend who had the sleeve done by him. I went there for the same thing. He went over my options and gave his insight on the best options for me. We ultimately chose the duodenal switch. Best decision of my life!! I became pregnant in September of 2022 and later found out I had an uncommon side effect called intussusception which required surgery. This was performed around my 3rd month. I trusted dr Bruce to perform this procedure to keep me and my baby safe and I couldn’t have been more pleased. HE saved my life and now I will be around for my children a whole lot longer. 

Ted M.

The most important thing I can say about Dr. Bruce is that I TRUST him, in this case literally with my life. When I met Dr. Bruce he never tried to sell me, push me, or move me in a direction that I was uncomfortable with. He only asked how I was feeling, over time as I got to know him better I became more open, as did he, and we discussed his core business of Bariatrics.

Ultimately, I knew Dr. Bruce ONLY had my well being as his primary consideration. I cam to the decision to do the surgery on my own, at my own pace with Dr. Bruce available for questions as necessary. The second major decision was to determine which surgery to have done, frankly, I left that recommendation up to Dr. Bruce because as I said earlier, I trust him implicitly. We discussed his thought process and moved forward. One of the things he said was that we wanted me to live a couple/few more decades and I couldn’t agree more. The results speak for themselves, I am ecstatic!

At this point, it’s important to note that no professional that’s worth a darn, thinks that they can do the job on their own. Dr. Bruce has empowered a team of professionals around him that are incredibly talented. From my initial experience through today, his team continually impresses me with their thoroughness, focus and overall Patient Relationship Management.

If there is a number that’s higher than 10 for excellence, Dr. Bruce and his team would have earned that. I enthusiastically recommend Bruce Bariatrics!!!

Kristin T.

Don’t wait, do it today.

Don’t think about it, just do it.

Your future self will thank you. Don’t listen to everything you see/hear. If you have a question ask the professionals, not social media. This surgery has changed my life completely. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. This surgery gave me a new life. I feel more confident now and more comfortable in my own skin. I have struggled with severe anxiety for more than a decade and it is unreal looking back now, at how much my weight played a factor into that anxiety.

I also battled with fertility. For 18 years my husband and I tried to have a baby. We did fertility treatments, everything with no success. 9 months after my surgery I was pregnant. I was able to have a healthy, low risk pregnancy even at the age of 37, only gaining 23 lb total, all of which I lost immediately after having her. None of these things would have ever been possible without this surgery. My only regret is not doing it sooner.

Barbara W.

Dr. Bruce is a highly skilled surgeon whose patient care is top-notch. Through my journey, he has encouraged strong patient-doctor communication to be able to address and work through any concerns or issues I have had. Dr. Bruce has always been honest and forthcoming, and my husband and I have complete trust to receive the best care possible.

Jessica P.

My experience with Dr. Bruce: From my very first appointment, and every moment thereafter, my experience with Dr. Bruce has been amazing! He was honest, helpful, and willing to answer every question I had. He has been supportive throughout my entire journey to becoming a better me. Weight loss surgery was not an easy decision to make, but with Dr. Bruce's help, I was able to reach and surpass my goal weight of 185. He really cares about his patients and the joy that he has in helping others is evident. If I had to do this all over again, I would choose Dr. Bruce and I constantly recommend him to others wanting to make the same change I did. I could not have asked for a better surgeon and doctor than Dr. Bruce and I am forever grateful for this new life I have because of his help!

If you would like to be featured on our Patient Testimonials page please contact Sarah True.